* Curriculum *
At the LOLC, students will have the opportunity to engage in weekly classes that focus on the following goals and curriculum structures:
- Interdisciplinary inquiry-based lessons that will give students the opportunity to research and delve deeply into teacher and student selected thematic topics in writing, reading, social studies and math that align with Oregon State Standards. Students will continue this work at home with weekly direction and guidance from the center’s teachers.
- Creative enrichment opportunities that will also allow for the further practice and development of foundational skills
- Grouped learning projects that allow for students to develop constructive teamwork, communication and collaboration skills within the context of authentic work
- A supportive environment for working on individualized math curriculum materials selected by each students’ family. Given the freedom to use a math curriculum chosen specifically for your child’s needs seamlessly encourages a continuity in learning between time spent in the classroom and at home. The learning center will give students the time and space to work on their individual math plans with access to teachers and parent volunteers. (Teachers and staff are happy to offer different curriculum options for your child, if you prefer some suggestions.)
- Opportunities to participate in lessons and activities as part of a stable social learning community that supports, guides and encourages constructive social interactions (i.e. through playing learning games, working on collaborative research projects, public presentations of work, participating in civics or history simulations, etc.).